♥ Friday, March 30, 2007
got my nike bottle today =) 
caught Mr Bean's Holiday today after eating at crystal jade today. we got so bloated; almost died!
i contradicted this pork-phobia. haha because of all the dumplings, buns, xiaolongbaos and lamians!
mr bean is so irritating, relatively everything he does gets on my nerves. but certain parts were really so comical that i really cannot stop myself from thinking hes outrageous.
window shopped around, im feeling so broke.
pg is so tempted to get her bag but anyway i suppose its pretty not worth it.
then i suddenly rmb about that bag that we ordered hasnt arrive. hahaha
im watching this show now. kjh is one of the cast, but not the main role. i think its quite a funny show. not bad.
im quite looking forward to seeing mr wokeyi. samm was saying he seems as silly as fengqi. haha. so must be very nice to bully. OH JK.
♥ Thursday, March 29, 2007
met samm, went to retake my trial test again. yes 43/50 again.
ITS A CURSE. making me feel furious.
went to town, ate at suki yaki. then maestro-ed. dranked and ate.
received a call from elva from indo. thanks for helping to fish for my bag =D
then walked around. and home.
meeting pg tml for mr bean's holiday, shopping and other stuffs.
i wanna get the water bottle from world of sports tml.
i wanna halt the habit of spending money like running tap.
meeting samm and jingwen next week for pepp lunch! hahaha and for my stupid trial test again.
and yes heard mr wokeyi is coming.
i read up about this beanstalk world tallest man(absurd height of 2.36meters), whose search for a bride covered the world, ended up marrying a woman from his home town nearly half his age and more than two feet shorter.
i was thinking "oh finally he found himself a wife"
i think he must have specially designated bed, if not it will definitely be too short for him.
how sad it is for the woman to go out with a man whom she cannot even see his face, more to say spend her life with. awww.
i miss dumbo gua2.
i like the new perfume smell i've got.
♥ Monday, March 26, 2007
im miss diligent. i swear i mugged a lot, since the minute i woke up from my nap.
was replenishing my sleep after the chalet. i didnt manage to catch any wink there.
i have around 7 more lectures to go. and some calculation stuffs to reassure and i infer im almost done.
at the moment, i finally understood what is calculating FCS and CRC about.
i guess i require truckloads more of attention on layer 3 calculations.
i wanna do tonnes and tonnes of revision.
i hope i practice what i say.
i even used up my foolscap and my pen is running out of ink.
for your info, im using my accounts pad now. (hahaha. anyway its useless for me now already)
i hope they gimme a P. thanksssssss.
everybody wish me luck please. i know im hugging Buddha's leg. i hope he dont mind.
bbt added 4 new boys. i think li quan is not bad looking. but hes only 16 yet he looks like hes 26.
he reminds me of guagua. he speaks monotonously. and he drums too.
i think out of the 4 hes the best already.
blog about pf's birthday chalet soon.
oops and class gathering?
when is the damn pay arriving? i need to get ds lite badly.
mommy says i should sleep early and wake up earlier to study. i better heed her advice. haha
(instead of wasting her electricity, she claims that night electricity is more expensive) wth.
♥ Thursday, March 22, 2007
was watching taizhong's kua nian. im 3 months+ late, aha.
so long since i last watched energy. kunda is still as good looking compared to shuwei.
and then i had the urge to watch my 0901 concert videos.
kunda is so cute.
i myself have no idea. but out of a sudd i thought of chen yi.
then i went to watch his videos too.
lol. and i really think we were being uber horrendous.
laughing at him... laughing at ourselves when he waved.
then end up calling ourselves CF/mad fans.
but i think among all the stars . perhaps chen yi is the one that we enjoy chasing the most.
because hes the one that treat us like..... -insert suitable word yourself-..
but he knows that we are not those kind of real cf who will join in the crowd and sing with him.
yet we will just fold our arms standing on side and laugh at him.
recalls all the singings here and there. "waiting for you", "deng dai" etc. so memorable.
recalls how he tried to be funny and irritated me on stage.
recalls how he asked us where did we disappear to.
recalls him on the stage asking whether his hair is messy when hes supposed to be singing at that current moment.
recalls how he hid when he saw rebecca saw him doing hideous stuffs on the combi. LOL
recalls the last thing that he reminded us at the airport.
WAHAHA. alright alright.
and recalls all the evil stuffs we did to others. AHEM. i really didnt mention anything about eating dessert. OOPS.
AND OMG. i think all my videos have our DAMN DAMN bitchy comments and conversations. serious.
huiyi says hes new album is launching. and he left a msg saying stuffs.
oh i think that asshole is really smart uh.
but maybe when he comes we can have fun again. muahaha.
however, the mad fan of chen yi is still huiyi, not me.
hahaha. mad 0.6 fan!
im fa tiao's fan. AHAHA
peifen is xiao le's fan.
jingwen is SHAN's? hahaa! shan is no good.
♥ Wednesday, March 21, 2007
pohgek was asking me that day about making up. and i really think its better not to touch make up. make up is more or less like drug.
your skin will get addicted. and slowly without make up you will look like MONSTER.
and pimples will start appearing.
went ssdc today, samm and me waited for arnd 1 hour until its our turn.
and they damn told me that i have to retake trial again. pissed off please.
i came home just now and told mummy if i exceed the 1 yr i will just want to take private.
and she was saying aiyah in the first place why never tell her about taking private.
hurried to sim lim. checked out ds lite's pricing.
ok quite glad that it has the price im expecting.
but im thinking that there might be other better offers. will check out more when i wanna get it.
to town to meet jelly. we were afraid she might be feeling v lonely and cry on the streets of town so we rushed there.
then went for pepper lunch. yes my crave. thanks for accommodating me.
jelly, i really think my bag suits you alot. wanna buy from me? hahaha!
then they bought sushi. and kino.
den cine, heeren. then to coffee club at taka.
had mango tango and wedges.
interesting topics. aha!
i think mother mary is very angry with me. maybe father joseph and jesus too.

alot of ppl are saying 300 is nice. even xiao zhu is saying it now.
discussion about tw trip is getting more hot stuffs among ourselves.
oh! thanks samm for her mochi(s), taiyangbings and mr donuts!
mr donuts <- the one that xiao zhu eats in corner love lah.
deng gang ding - yummeh.
tang yu zhe is yummy too.
im anticipating for my pay. so i can get my pink ds lite asap. i wanna watch mr bean's holiday. anybody?
♥ Saturday, March 17, 2007
caught bus 14 together with huiyi to town while waiting for jingwen.
roamed around till jingwen came.
was craving for ichiban boshi (again).
and then realise that jingwen and me were talking about same restaurant, same time, same position. BUT DIFFERENT VENUE.
shes talking about suntec one, and im talking about wisma one!
oh what the hell. its not the first time! the other time they were waiting at suntec's mac.
and i was over at marina sq's mac.
like wth. why are we so dumb. lol.
went over there to ichiban at wisma. the q was uber long.
and we decide we couldnt wait anymore, because our stomaches were grumbling.
so we just make do with food republic. had the indo food. was not bad also.
and we were being v bitchy because we refuse to let the blurberry boy have our seats.
then we went to hunt for pf's birthday present.
and here comes the funny part.
i saw this damn good looking guy(hot stuff). then i hurry nudge huiyi.
ok i bet we were being oblivious again lah.
then that guy obviously knows and he was being so fierce.
i saw him staring at me lah. then i admit i was being ohsohumji.
i immediately turned behind to face jingwen.
according to jingwen even though i hurry turn my back hes still staring at me.
i should feel honoured i think.
oh just what did i do lah. wah lao. im just purely sharing my joy what. lol. JOY PLS.
and i think the salesgirls are discussing about him too.
huiyi says hes wu zun lookalike.
i swear hes good looking! very, in fact. hes in formal wear. i think early twenties.
yummmmy boy. LOL.
got my amos cookies from wisma and walked to cine because jingwen wants her subway cookies.
the nyp amos cookie guy is working again. so the one that day is him lah.
walked arnd cine and went up to see jap stuffs.
hahaha suju.
then trained with them. and saw kibum lookalike.
then bussssed.
i need money. now i think a ds lite is much more affordable for a poor soul like me.
is the pink ds lite still available?
samm when are you coming back. today? tonight?
i find nobody to bitch about johnnys and suju with me lah.
so spiritless now.
on a heavier note, got back my poor results that day but i slightly improved on the overall and gpa.
but to be exact, neither my sem1 nor sem2 results are what i want and expect.
"you reap what you sow"
HAHA. so applicable on me!
what you get in return are lousy results.
i really want to be more disciplined next semester. so everything will be more accomplished.
anyway. i got....
cmaths1- B
hoop- B
cmsk3- C+
oopg - C+
wds - C
cmaths2- D+
and a F for dcnk.
lol. yes. im very sure the day after handing in the dcnk paper, nth i know comes in handy.
im ohsomentallyprepared for the supp.
chris said mike says it will be quite tedious.
yet i haven't touch on it yet. hopefully i will do it on mon. after the revision lecture.
but im still glad i got a B for hoop. haha.
"like wth? java? B?"
and i think im the type roy is refering to.
"some ppl are weird, their hoop are better than oopg.."
(lol. anyway hoop is a higher and more difficult version of oopg.)
and im really very unhappy about cmaths1. i should get an A. serious.
i think its my main exam paper that is weaker.
my term test and all are alr A lah. kns.
when i see a D+ for cmaths2. its like a heavy load off my shoulders.
i was so god damn afraid i might just get a F.
as you know maths has always been my weakness.
thats all about it.
♥ Thursday, March 15, 2007
there marked the end of the IT fair 2007.
i was working at the hp printer booth with reb all the four days consecutively.
quite surprise that both of us actually persevere till the end.
yes. out of the 4 days, we actually cabbed there for 3 days. lol.
do you know how tiring it is to walked from the city hall mrt to suntec convention hall?
work was rather fun when commenting non halting at almost everyone.
and some cheap thrills from the colleages.
like how often do you see ppl scolding their in-charges using words like "siao", "get lost" and all.
and how often do you see in-charges making fun of they employees. like throwing papers at me when i was talking to jingwen. really horrendous.
and when i turn they can still hold their stomaches and laugh. wtf.
the first day, we had breakfast at mac. then by the time we trained there. we were a lil' late and missed out a lil' of the briefing.
but i dont see how much it can help us even if we were on time.
totally clueless about what is going on but still managed to start promoting and selling their printers.
other then that, most of the time we were shoving flyers in passer bys' faces.
our first customer was yummy nice. they even ask if we wanna work for them. lol.
the lunch(s) we had were quite bad except the day i had nasi lemak.
we had this super cute eyecandy chen yi. he knows we loves seeing him and i think he loves seeing us too. HAHA LOL JK.
but he noticed that we kept commenting when he pass by lah. hes doing the adding of new stocks for hp.
and his friend was quite funny when he told us hes the only one pushing.
chen yi saw us eating at that ........... ermm .......... nvm. lol. but was quite xia suay.
and i hurry nudge reb. damn funny..
i think it was on the 3rd day. i flared because of this incident caused by internship guy. JEFF LAH I KNOW.
and this girl can still come and provoked me. i was so !@#@#!@#!$.
den i vomitted out all the vulgarities at her. and i think she became so terrified and her attitude changed so much the next moment.
but we still ignored her. like what reb say.
" at least we are not fake. we dont like, we just ignore, we dont act nice. "
hahaha! we are mean so what.
and theres this colleage his name is sha gua. oh i mean ben dan. eh no i mean weiming.
hes nice lah. just that we love irritating him.
till he even said. it doesnt matter anymore, say what you want. LOL.
but he played a part in providing entertainment. seriously.
like when we have nth to do. he will come and talk nonsense to me.
and jiaying has this v v v funny friend, junsheng. he looks exactly like a sales promoter.
im serious hes omg comical.
reb told me to take a pic of this i think. i was still squatting down. lol.
it was the end of the fair alr. and he held that thing, stood like that and made that face.
i totally catch no balls.
but damn funny when he caught me doing the shaking head thing to that indian.
oh theres this ji ko bek in charge and this another weird chicken wing hair in charge.
jikobek was really horrible when he comes and irritate us every now and then.
and even when we show obvious avoiding he still continue.
and he kept insisting that the jap part was v funny and he says i only serve jap customers. wth.
andy was the damn funny one. especially when he finished his lunch. LOL!!
but over enthusiastic! (along to that attitude prob boy)
i met this damn horrible customer. he started yelling at grace(hp overall in charge).
saying that she cannot ans his qns. den shes not customer oriented and stuffs. oh so scary.
and he caused a customer phobia in me.
we served np lecturers too. one teaches business admin. and they were damn funny and nice.
the CHEH part they do were the most hilarious.
they asked for our sch and say will visit us. mad right!
saw tp schmates too. ppl whom i totally nv talk to before.
one is my lecturemate.
theres this ah beng. used his printer to come hit me on my leg when we were looking at creative stuffs.
den i was like OUCH. who the hell. and when i turned i saw him giving me that purposely look and smiling. i oh so wanna kill him.
theres this TP IT guy working in the same company but hes selling cartridges. i always see him in school.
and he even waved bye to us one of the nights.
theres this O2 guy. who always stares. i even diao him so near to his face he still can continue. lol.
that stupid internship guy. was really nice at times. but really knn at times too.
kept using his vulgarites on us.
but even if we hear such stuffs we still laugh.
and all the ppl around us find us mad and they think we might prolly need checkups.
im anticipating for my pay though.
shld i get a pink psp?
♥ Wednesday, March 14, 2007
will blog bout the 4 working days soon.
m very worried about the damn results which will be released soon. i hope not tml.
let me at least enjoy another day. PLEASE.
went to meet pg and xinmei at town. it was pouring heavily!
so i cabbed and there goes my $10.
walked around..
accompanied xinmei to have her long johns.
then we went off to wisma.
got really wet because of the rain. whole jeans in fact.
den eat at ichiban boshi. i was really craving for sushi lah.
in fact now i think i want to have more also. salmon =D
shopped at topshop. got two tops.
a black plain one and a pink one.
yupps. overspent! arnd $100 in a day!
den caught Primeval.
anyway the horrendous fact is the legendary crocodile Gustave is still lingering smwhere in africa. (according to pg!)
anyway eva and meibao were sitting infront of me. and i only realise when i find meibao's laughter irritating!
shit lah. i pray damn hard man. i pray i dont fail i dont fail i dont fail.
but i think dcnk is gonecase. like a definitely byebye. SIGH.
♥ Wednesday, March 07, 2007
it has been quite long since i have such an updated post.
met samm at town. then we roamed around.
had lunch at din tai feng. nice xiao long baos. but actually i like the ones at crystal jades better.
and i like the la mian at crystal jade more also. im weird i know!
hahaha. maybe because i dont like soaked and soggy meat and i was rather full..
had yam baos too.
then gerry came.
rot arnd more............ samm went to get her dvds.
it started to pour. then we couldnt move out of taka. so went to join gerry and her friend at food republic.
ate tang yuan. hurry left when saw somebody vomitting at the next table.
shopped around...
then samm and me left for cine when the rain stopped.
i wonder why we kept taking lift with ah bengs.
i couldnt control myself and started making stupid faces, tskkk-ing and criticising.
caught norbit. its a horror movie. serious. was uber horrendous.
wanted to watch the typical jack neo movie on law. but they dont have it alr.
went back to find gerry and her friend at kobayashi.
saw alfred. saw eva and jiamei.
den yes home.
meeting huiyi and jingwen tml.
working from thurs to sunday.
class gathering on 17 march.
indo trip in april?
shit i think results will be released soon. before next friday.
alright i know dcnk is all ready for me. i better get ready for it too.
i pray no cmaths2. =(
i dont feel like seeing the new timetable. =(
haha there was earthquake today. felt it. scary.
huayang 15. ending. shall watch it now.
leeeedonghae......... =D
chinese new year post. rather late i know.
holidays = free = collages
but at this wee hour i can only do rubbish.

day 1 - no house visiting.
this yr my grandma came over to stay for new year because my uncle and aunt went indo for holiday.
so meaning all my aunties and uncles visited us. so means stay put in your house and rot till they come.
and then we had steamboat. and my neighbour who became abit insane came and join us.
i really mean lunatic.

day 2 - started house visiting. went over to some aunts' house.
and gambling was damn funny and interesting. my mother is a mad gambler.
cousins were damn irritating as usual. sometimes its good to make them cry once in a blue mood. lol. i sound eccentric.
den went to malaysia. alright i just slept at my uncle's house. lol. angpows there aint impt at all. lol. then went to eat at aunt's restaurant.
and yes home sweet home. zZzz...
day 3

went aunt's house and gambled again. not me lah. im a good girl.
alright. the bad point of blogging late is.... i forgot alot of details alr. lol
oh i rmb going to big aunt's house and me and my aunts spied on my bro's gf. lol.
they became damn bitchy and stole his hp to read his msges and she even read (announce) it.
and my bro couldnt take it. lol. and i kept laughing. because im the biggest bitch who went to spread arnd.
oh i rmb 26th mar went 2nd aunt's house for another reunion dinner. because she just came back from aust for holidays.
alright forget it. i rather not think anymore. bye.
pardon my ugly collages.
♥ Saturday, March 03, 2007
i did a quiz after landing in samm's blog.
and one of the result says:
Who is your dream guy?
Here is the analysis:
According to your answers; if you are not kidding, you are too complicated. Sorry, we are unable to offer the analysis. Press Back button on you browser, check ONE question that you were not completely sure and try again with a different answer that you think it would be correct.
guess im too complicated for them to compute.
theres one where they analyzed and say:
You have a cheerful personality and you are a naturally kind person. Your hidden talent isn't really that hidden at all: you shine among a crowd.
♥ Friday, March 02, 2007
have been watching 许玮伦2007光芒音乐会 for the past two hours.
when the i heard the last song, wings of angel.
i swear i had goosebumps.
and see the ohsowannashedtears ahdi face. =.=
longyan went also lah.
but its weird to see xiao gui there.
when it was ending, it is the sadless scene when the bro said stuffs to thank everybody.
i think maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me.
but i think i saw a drip of tears rolling down her cheeks on her photo.
serious. maybe its the bro crying then he dripped. i dunno lah.